Seito Nakamura
- Profile
After working in human resources department at the major heavy-industry manufacturer, I joined Recruit Career Co., Ltd. in February 2016. Due to the business transfer of my department, I was seconded to Recruit Management Solutions Co., Ltd. in April 2018, and then transferred in April 2020. After joining Recruit, engaged in sales, quality control/development, and fundamental research, etc. Appointed to current position in April 2022.
I finished my master’s degree (Counseling) from University of Tsukuba in March 2021, and I belong to the doctoral course of Department of Epidemiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University since April 2022.
Research Theme
Job hunting (focus on the university students)/Recruitment & Selection, Mental Health, Epidemiology
Membership in Professional
The Behaviormetric Society
The Japan Association for School Mental Health
The Japan Association of Job Stress Research
Conference Presentations
Realities and factors of mental health problems among university students during job hunting—anxiety by exploring what I hope to do—. Nakamura, Seito. The Japan Association for School Mental Health The 26th Congress
The Posttraumatic Growth Scale for Japanese Workers: Development and Validation
Nakamura, Seito, Fuji, Kei, Okada, Masaki
The 32nd International Congress of Psychology July 18, 2021