Tomoko Iwade
- Profile
- After graduating from university, she gained a diverse employment background through part-time work, temporary employment, contract employment, and regular employment. She joined Recruit HR Marketing Tokai Co., Ltd. (current Recruit Co., Ltd.) in 2004 as a part-time employee and transitioned to a full-time position in 2005. With the aspiration of "turning part-time work experience into a promising future career," she joined the Recruit Works Research Institute in April 2024. She received an M.A. in Business Administration from Globis University in 2014 and an M.A. in Career Design from Hosei University in 2019.
Research area
Career Development in Non-Regular Employment
Inheritance of food culture and community influence through Tofu human resource development: The Case Analysis for Tofu Meister Course by Japan Meister Association The Nonprofit Review (2024)
Career Development of unmarried women in 40s -Focus on job experiences up to the annual income of 5 million yen-The Chiba-keizai ronso(2023)
Affiliated academic society
Career Design Institute Japan
Japan NPO Research Association
The Japan Society for Professional Education Research