Project Research Fellow
Yoshihiro Toyoda
- Profile
Joined Recruit Co., Ltd.(current Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.) in 1983 after graduating from Tokyo University with B.S. in Chemistry. After serving in such posts as editor-in-chief of “Shushoku Jorrnal”,“Recruit Book”and“Works” , Chief Researcher in Recruit Works Institute, he assumed the position of Senior Chief Researcer in 2012.
Research area
He researches and studies mainly on employment values and employment situations of young people and realities of career transition such as finding employment and job.
- <Articles>“Why are junior workers social contribution minded?”Works Review Vol.10:p44-53(2015)
- <Articles>“Who create the innovator? :Reanalysis of “Essence of Success” serialized in a magazine“Works””Works Review Vol.9:p30-43(2014)
- <Articles>“What is the true matter of “College students’ job hunting system” in Japan? :The comparison of Career-selecting-Action of Asian new graduates. ”Works Review Vol.8:p36-49(2013)
- <Articles>“Can study group save the young working person from (Grow-crisis)?”Works ReviewVol.7:p.36-49(2012)
- <Articles>“Situated learning on campus life. : What “Events and Lessons” made the fresh from collage adapt to the organization?”Works ReviewVol.6:p.8-19(2011)
- <Articles>“The Risks Hiding in “Shu-katsu”. : The Effect of “Self-Searching” to the Startup Career.Works Review”Vol.5:p.46-59(2010)
- <Articles>“Why Can’t the Japanese Get on Well with the Chinese?:Comparative Study about the White-Collar Work Values of the Chinese and the Japanese”Works Review Vol.4:p.20-33-(2009)
- <Articles>“How is the relationship between Organizational-Identity and Ego-Identity? :Verification through organizing motivational-incentive model”Works Review Vol.3:p.46-59(2008)
- <Articles>“Is Japanese Labor Market Producing “High-Quality Mobility”? :The Structural Change Analysis Focusing on Job Changes”Works Review Vol.2:p.36-49(2006)