Chief Researcher
Satoko Tatsumi
- Profile
Satoko TATSUMI:Chief researcher, Recruit Works Institute, Recruit Co.,Ltd.. She specializes in career development, adult education, career education, and school management. Recent studies focus on adolescent transition, such as “What kind of high school experience impact on university drop out”, “Experience in junior high school affecting high school creative learning” She received MS psychology and PhD in Sociology of Education.
She is also in charge of sociology of education at Aoyama Gakuin University.
Research area
Career Education
Career Guidance
Career Counseling
Adult Learning
- <articles>Effect of Students’ High school Experiences on Adaptation at University: Focus on the Difference among Institutions”Works Review Vol.11(2016)
- <Articles>“A Study of Career after Dropping out Japanese Colleges and Universities”Works Review Vol.10:p6-15(2015)
- <Articles>“Developmental network perspective in talent flowering process of expert”Works Review Vol.9:p8-19(2014)
- <Articles>“How can graduates cope with foreign customers in the country? :Exploring their experience in high school.”Works Review Vol.8:p50-61(2013)
- <Short Reports>“ Relation between academic achievement and career exploration ”Works Review Vol.8:p128-131(2013)
- Exploratory Identification of the characteristics of Curriculum Management for Promoting Successful Career Education ―Analysis of the Survey Results among Public Junior High Schools ―, THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CAREER EDUCATION Vol.31(2):37-44(2013)
- <Articles>“The impact of initial conditions for rural high school graduates adaptation to environmental change.” Works Review Vol.7:p64-75(2012)
- <Articles>“The impact of 3 years Career Education in a high school: A Longitudinal research of Life Career Self-Efficacy ” Works Review Vol.6:p74-85(2011)
- <Notes>“Consideration Concerning Difference of Method of Developing Career Education in High School According to Students’ Needs ” Works Review Vol.5:p.152-165(2010)
- New Directions for Career Guidance and Japanese Youth,CAREER DEVELOPMENTS, NATIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION,27(1):16-18 Winter(2010)
- <Articles>“The conditions for a structural career education to be performed:Analysis on Curriculum Management Structure at Lower Secondary school” Works Review Vol.4:p.48-59(2009)
- <Case Introduction>“Systematize the methods of life skills development:Discussion about team approach in Hong Kong secondary school ” Works Review Vol.3:p.236-247(2008)
- <Notes>“Study of Cooperative Work between Professionals in Educational Services: Case Study: Teachers and Counselors in the United States ” Works Review Vol.2:p.160-171(2007)
- <Notes>“Study of Basic skills for Every Working People: Suggestion about “Basic Skills” shared by Schools and Companies ” Works Review Vol.1:p.124-133(2006)
Conference presentation
The effect of career education:Japanese society for the Study of Career Education, 2016
Evaluation of the impact of career planning program on the students in Japanese high school,第三屆兩岸四地學校輔導國際學術研討會(at Taiwan),2016
High school curriculum on fostering basic skills at workplace , IAEVG International Conference, September 18-21, 2015(at Tsukuba)
Results of research
2025 Time to Reinvent our workstyle(2015)
Learning and career 2020 – how to motivate adults to learn(2014)
Correlation career experience and career-path satisfaction for Graduates of local area (2012)
Career education handbook in Mie prefecture (2007)
Raise the learning motivation of working person (2012)
Career education handbook in Mie prefecture (2007)
Generic skills for “School to Work” (2006)
Career education handbook in Gifu prefecture (2003-2005)
Integrate torn career education (2004)
Affiliated academic society
The Japanese Society for the Study of Career Education
Cognitive Science Society
Association for Career and Technical Education